Membership in the Workforce Board represents a unique opportunity to take a leadership role in building community partnerships and the economic engine that will drive an entrepreneurial, market-driven, accountable and exceptional workforce investment system. The NOVAworks WB is a “roll-up-your-sleeves” working group that regularly meets as a full board and also has working committees, some ongoing and some task-specific.
The NOVAworks Workforce Board is looking for a few good professionals who are passionate about and committed to developing the workforce of the future and see participation on the Board as an integral part of their personal values and professional goals. For more information about becoming a board member, please review the Board Member Prospectus , Board's ten priority strategies , and Board bylaws .
If you are interested in becoming a NOVAworks Workforce Board member and can satisfy the expectations and qualifications of the position, follow the application process below.
Application Process
Download and complete the application for Board membership ; mail completed form to:
NOVAworks Workforce Board
456 West Olive Ave
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
A review committee comprised of the NOVAworks Workforce Board chairperson, a representative from business/economic development, and a member of the Sunnyvale City Council will interview the applicants and recommend a slate of candidates to the full Sunnyvale City Council. This recommendation is based on what would best complement the existing composition of the Workforce Board in pursuing its vision and mission and WIOA-mandated requirements.
The Sunnyvale City Council, officially representing the eight jurisdictions of the NOVAworks consortium, makes the final appointment.
Terms for new members are for four years, initially, that is usually extended for a longer period of time. The Workforce Board chairperson(s) assigns members to working committees and special task forces.